Are You Falling Behind?

Will Your Business Be Left Behind In The Race For More Effective Information Technology? Good businesses grow, expanding the size and scope of their operation, which in turn requires further resources to support expansion. This includes your {city} business’ Information Technology infrastructure, as the more employees you have and the more clients you serve, the…

5 Facts You Need to Know Before Choosing a Business Telephone System

A business can’t run effectively without proper communication between employees, and the business telephone system used throughout your office is a huge part of keeping workers connected. Many businesses find themselves juggling multiple phone plans, from in-office services to several mobile phone plans. The costs, then, can grow exponentially as time goes on. A New,…

Four Amazing Offline Capabilities with Google Chromebooks!

After a rocky start, Chromebooks are starting to make a comeback.  The offline capabilities of Chrome OS are impressive, and Chromebooks are now widely available from Dell, Acer, HP, Toshiba, and Samsung at reasonable price points. Chromebooks are able to tackle many needs like sending emails and even watching movies offline. However, these capabilities are…

Work Remotely

20th century Canadian communications philosopher Marshall McLuhan once wrote, “We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us.” He also wrote, “Diaper backwards spells repaid, think about it.” So what are your remote colleagues thinking about? Are they working effectively or spending their days contemplating McLuhan quotations? Working remotely can be a challenge –…

For the past 100 years or so, telephone technology has basically remained the same – pick up a phone, dial a number, and someone answers on the other end.

Today, the game has changed. Your business can do MORE, and do it BETTER and FASTER than ever before with a next-generation phone system. IP-PBX systems offer many benefits for your business that simply were not possible previously. To learn more, give us a call at {phone} or send us an email at {email}. IP…

inTouch Backup

If all of your critical files were lost or stolen, would your business survive? Data is the life-blood of the vast majority of organizations. If you don’t have a reliable backup and disaster recovery plan in place, a natural disaster, database corruption, or hardware failure could result in permanent data loss. DigiVie’s inTouch Backup includes…