5 Facts You Need to Know Before Choosing a Business Telephone System

A business can’t run effectively without proper communication between employees, and the business telephone system used throughout your office is a huge part of keeping workers connected. Many businesses find themselves juggling multiple phone plans, from in-office services to several mobile phone plans. The costs, then, can grow exponentially as time goes on. A New,…

Flaw Impacts Android Phones

Google’s Not Releasing a Patch! Google made a bold move last month by releasing the details of a security vulnerability before Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday. According to Microsoft, the patch was to be released two days after Google came out with the details. They also stated that google refused to wait the additional 48 hours so…

Not All Phone Systems Are Created Equally – Why Zultys Is Your Best Business Choice

A major factor in keeping your office running smoothly is ensuring that communication between employees and customers is at its absolute most efficient. The business phone service used in your office is the driving force behind keeping employees connected and collaborating effectively. With the changing landscape of business today, many companies find themselves having to…

Can your employee’s easily share information with one another?

File Sharing & Collaboration Are PROVEN Ways to Get Work Done More Effectively – Is Your Office Making the Most of Technology? With the constant evolution of technology, businesses are continuously finding practices that allow their employees to more efficiently share documents, data, and other vital information with one another. Whether it’s within a single…

A New, Undetectable Threat to Your Mac – Understanding the Risks of Thunderstrike

Many consumers still assume that Macs are immune to network viruses – this is a common misconception and it’s just not true. There’s a wide array of malware and viruses out there that can affect Mac computers, and the latest one is an especially huge threat: it’s nearly impossible to detect and remove. A New…

The 5 Most Essential Questions You NEED to Ask When Searching for a New IT Services Firm

When you’re looking for a new IT Services Firm In {city}, deciding on a company responsible for providing your businesses IT services and support will be an incredibly important choice. In fact, it’s crucial to guarantee that the provider running your IT is qualified, capable and dedicated to giving you the best support possible. Below…

Infographic: Is Your Business Ready To Switch Out IT Companies? Read this first!

Nobody likes running around, last minute, especially when switching IT companies. It can be a long and tedious process, but once you have everything settled you will be in better shape than you were before. Being prepared is the key to success when switching tech firms – as you don’t want to have setbacks along the way….