Does Your IT Provider Support Your Business’ Teleworkers & Telecommuting?

  {company} provides the right solutions for all of your employees including your teleworkers. The key to that is a combination of security, technology, and support. The annual survey last year by the Society for Human Resource Management found a greater increase in the number of companies planning to offer telecommuting in 2014 than those…

Poor Email and Messaging Habits Cost Companies a Fortune Each Year

On average, the typical employee loses approximately 2.1 hours of productivity each day due to interactions and disruptions. According to research studies, constant email alerts interrupt workflow and decrease levels of productivity and creativity. And, the same can be said for instant messages and cell phones, which divide workers’ attentions between the endless notifications and…

Are You Ready for Microsoft Windows 10 or Will You Be Watching from the Sideline?

Windows 10 Promises To Be Something Awesome…Will your company make the switch? Many companies became a bit skittish about using Windows after the problems encountered with Windows 8 and subsequent design overhauls. Sales suffered because some corporate users weren’t pleased, and sought alternatives. Other users were even less happy when Microsoft ceased supporting Windows XP,…

How to Look into the Future and Make Sure You’re Happy With Your IT Support

4 Questions to Ask Prospective Managed IT Service Companies Choosing a managed service provider (MSP) isn’t easy. You’ve got a few options to choose from, and they’re all making the same promises. They all say they’re responsive, proactive, cost-cutting, productivity-boosting… and there are indeed MSPs that are out there and can honestly claim those glowing…

The Cloud: 4 Reasons Cloud Services Are Taking the Modern Business World by Storm!

Syntax reports those who move apps to the cloud save 21% per year! Every business today needs to have confidence in their technology. The bottom line is that cloud computing is essential for any company which relies on technology to function efficiently and wants to stay ahead of their competition. Cloud services have been around…