Do you need a CIO? – Determining the best options for the oversight of technology within your business.

Holding the title of Chief Information Officer (CIO) sounds important – and it is – but developing an understanding for why and how designating a CIO can make a difference within your operational environment is the most important factor. The primary responsibility of a CIO is to find ways to utilize technology in a way…

Can You Attend This Funeral?

A Funeral for Flash It should be safe to say that Adobe’s Flash Player has certainly run its course. But why is it still running? This flawed technology’s time has been over for years. More and more users are becoming wary of its exploits and the damage the lack of proper security measures available can…

Don’t Miss Your FREE Security Checkup and 2GB of Drive Space on February 9th

If you haven’t heard, Tuesday, February 9th 2016 marks the annual Safer Internet Day, and Google will be celebrating (again) by offering a reward of 2GB of additional Drive space for everyone who is willing to participate in a simple security check up. Free storage in exchange for a free security scan that will increase…

iPhone 7 Rumors

Rumors Spark Excitement for the Upcoming iPhone 7! Although so far it’s merely speculation, there are some pretty exciting rumors attached to the release of the new iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. Ranging from an edge-to-edge display, waterproof body, and wireless charging, the iPhone 7 is bound to be vastly different one way or another,…