Fight Malware Videos by Installing Anti-Exploit Security Measures

Hackers have branched out into a new scheme which mimics the URLs of certain videos and ads, getting you to click on them, and then re-directing you to malware-installing pages. Malware, or “malvertising” poses its largest risk at the “zero-day” point, where hackers are able to blindside most individuals, businesses, and even some security companies…

Benefits Of “The Cloud”

Examining the Many Benefits of Cloud Computing for Businesses It has been all the rage in recent years for business networks to migrate, in whole or in part, to cloud-based computing services. And for good reason – businesses utilizing cloud services gain a number of benefits, not the least of which is cost-cutting via the…

Windows 10 Update Questions?

What To Expect From The Windows 10 Anniversary Update In the beginning of August, Microsoft announced that it would launch an entirely new version of its Windows 10 operating system. As many users will attest to, the previous version of the system was riddled with inconsistencies, errors, and security flaws that caused companies to question…

What the SharePoint iOS App Means for the Future of Your Business  

One of the most important technological tools that an office has at its disposal is by far its local intranet. These powerful networks are designed to be the digital support system employees need when they need it the most, with the only real limitation being that they have historically been confined to a single physical…

Malvertising Attack Scam Goes Undetected for Months, Infects Millions of Computers

The recent discovery of the AdGholas malvertising campaign gives a whole new meaning to the idea of secret code. As the first to utilize steganography in a malware campaign, AdGholas operated successfully and stealthily since October 2015 before being discovered. To infect its targets, AdGholas’ malware incorporates malicious coding into secret messages that it then…

Got Windows 10 Battery Drain?

Microsoft Says Chrome and Firefox Deplete Battery, Recommends Edge to Conserve Power   Thought you were done with the Windows 10 harassment once you finally gave in and agreed to that upgrade? Not so fast. Windows has a bit more to nag you about, and this time, it has to do partly with your battery…

Riding the Emerging Digital Wave

Is anything in business static? Not really, no. Technology changes and as it does your approach to doing business must change with it. What are the five fastest-moving digital areas that affect how you do business? 1. The Constant Change of the Mobile Marketplace Imagine if 80 percent of Facebook ads were mobile-oriented? You don’t…

IT System Downtime is Costly

How You Can Mitigate It Many startups and small and medium-sized businesses believe they are at a disadvantage when it comes to protecting their companies from IT downtime. They are not in a position financially to have a robust IT function as part of their organization. In fact, IT tasks may fall to a clerical…