Happy Valentine’s Day: It’s Time To Bring Back That Lovin’ Feeling

There are few things worse than feeling trapped in an unfulfilling relationship – especially when it’s a vital business relationship. Technology is an integral part of everything your business does, which raises a few important questions about your current IT set up. For starters, what is your relationship like with your technology systems – rock…

The Oracle for Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a big, scary word with big, scary implications. The word conjures mental images of a dark room and someone in front a dimly lit computer. The black screen flashes green and is dotted with lines of code entered by a nameless, faceless “cyberterrorist” – a hacker – with a smirk and an evil…

Slack Was “Slacking” Today

The Slack messaging tool suffered a major outage today that left users unable to connect to the service. In a post on its systems status page, Slack reported that their customers were experiencing connectivity issues as a result of the outage: “A majority of customers are unable to connect to Slack. We’re aware of the…