Gifford Associates, in Ottawa, ON, has been providing insurance coverage for businesses and individuals since 1948. They offer multi-line coverage for all types of businesses, including building, equipment, cargo, and professional liability, as well as personal insurance for auto, home, tenant’s packages, and more.
When their aging, 15-year old PBX phone system began to drop calls, and their voicemail suddenly started speaking Spanish, they knew they were in trouble. The main connection to their clients could shut down at any moment, and shut down their business as well.
Jim Mahood, President of Gifford Associates knew to call DigiVie Communications. He and his staff had been relying on DigiVie for their IT services for years, and he remembered that in the previous year, David, from DigiVie, recommended that they consider a Zultys Phone System. Zultys is a manufacturer of Voice-over-IP (VoIP) equipment for small- to medium-sized businesses.
DigiVie Re-Connected Gifford To Their Clients With Zultys.
With DigiVie’s experience and knowledge of the existing network, the new system was installed and working in just a few short weeks.
Jim remarked:
“We have been extremely pleased with the Zultys system, and relieved to find that DigiVie got us reconnected with no downtime whatsoever! Within just a few minutes of installation, our staff quickly and easily learned how to make the most of Zultys’ many new features. Plus, they were able to do this with very little instruction!”
DigiVie continues to provide training and support for all of Gifford’s IT and communications needs, so they can focus on their core business.
Jim went on to say:
“The Zultys phone system provides Gifford Associates a competitive edge in our industry, and the ability to serve our clients faster and more efficiently. The value in the new system was immediately evident, and we knew we made the right decision with Zultys and DigiVie!”
About DigiVie Communications Inc.
At DigiVie, our #1 priority is helping our clients succeed.
We specialize in next-generation telephony and computer technologies. By working with our clients and learning the intricacies of what they do, we develop resolutions to issues that make sense and lead to desired, measurable results.
Whatever the need, from basic spam prevention to a new phone system, a new website, or even a complete network overhaul, our goal is to help our clients achieve the results they desire with a critical eye on the bottom line.
By putting ourselves in our clients’ shoes, we do all we can to see things from their perspective, and mutually discover ways to either solve a specific problem today or achieve better results tomorrow.
– David S. Lee, President
Don’t wait until your IT or phone communications shut down. Contact DigiVie Communications for a complimentary, no-obligation review of your IT and communication needs. Call {phone} or email us at: {email}