Does Your Information Technology Investments Help Your Marketing Departments?

By choosing the right analytics, conversion optimization, and search engine marketing technologies, marketing departments can more effectively reach new customers. Every marketing department strives to achieve three primary goals. Engage with existing customers. Improve brand awareness, while simultaneously increasing conversion rates on campaigns. Reach new customers. Fortunately for marketing departments everywhere, certain technologies can help…

March 31 Is World Backup Day

To remain in business, stay competitive, and keep yourself and your company safe from a data loss disaster, there is a relatively standardized checklist that should be followed if you expect to survive the oft-treacherous contemporary conditions of business computing and Web connectivity. Here are 10 things you should have on your data network disaster…

No Password Required: How Hackers Continue Getting Important Information

Hackers can gain sensitive data through a flaw in the Windows operating system, gaining access to accounts even without a password. Hackers provide great insight into how Windows user sessions can be taken over and the information within the session easily accessed. While passwords can be reset for users by administrators, but it’s also possible…

Wisdom Wednesday: 4 Features to Send Your Business Website to the Top of Google’s Rankings

Because Google always changes the algorithm that it uses to determine search engine rankings, your business’ website needs to stay on top of the current key features that can help move it to the top of Google’s search results. Many companies approach search engine optimization as a one-time challenge; once you have set up your…

Wisdom Wednesday: How to Avoid Computer System Infection

Criminals want your company’s financial data, customer lists including credit card information, intellectual property, and anything else they can sell. Cyber crime is a huge endeavor with severe consequences for organizations that are victimized. Criminals want your company’s financial data, customer lists including credit card information, intellectual property, and anything else they can sell. Besides…