If You Don’t Know About These 3 Ways to Use Outlook 2016 More Efficiently, You’re Wasting Lots of Time

Microsoft Outlook is a professional email and calendar program that’s been used by businesses for over 15 years. It’s had many iterations over the years, but with 2016, and its integration with Office 365, Microsoft has taken Outlook to the next level. Today, small and medium-sized businesses that couldn’t afford the enterprise-level application can now…

Big Changes For Google

If You Want to Be First on Google Searches, Be Sure to Employ Best Practices for Mobile-First Indexing On March 26th, 2018, Google announced that after over 18 months of testing they will now begin migrating sites that follow best practices for their mobile-first indexing. This means that Google will now use the mobile version…

Are You Playing The Internet’s Latest Game Of Cops And Robbers?

Make no mistake – if you show the slightest bit of weakness around a bully, they will pounce. The Internet is no different, with hackers just waiting for a cybersecurity vulnerability to seize their opportunity.  The latest form of cyberterrorism to take root and have explosive growth is incredibly dangerous. Forget about Trojan horse viruses…

Hiring an IT Company? Make Sure You Ask These 25 Essential Questions!

Selecting a company to maintain your technology is one of the most important decisions you can make for your business. You must find the most competent and reliable IT support provider in your area. How do you know if the IT company you’re considering is right for your business? Some technology companies call themselves the…

Is Alexa Going To Take Over The World?

Amazon’s virtual assistant is designed to support home and office automation, maximize efficiency and save user time and money. Can Alexa’s automation of professional processes translate into profit – and conquer the business world? It’s no surprise to most consumers that Amazon loves integration and automation. After a successful “dabble” in a shipping membership, its…

Vanilla Ice Was Right – “Stop. Collaborate and listen!”

Microsoft Teams provides a rich environment with a wealth of apps and features, including a customizable user experience. Here are tips for making the most of Microsoft Teams. In 1989, Robert Van Winkle (better known by his stage name, Vanilla Ice) gave the world some valuable advice –  “Stop. Collaborate and listen!” He raised a…

Take The Stress Out Of Scheduling With FindTime from Microsoft

Microsoft Office 365 users are constantly surprised at the many innovative tools included within this suite of programs.  FindTime is its newest meeting scheduler. With its integration into Outlook, users can quickly schedule meetings. The FindTime app solves a very real problem that frustrates workers everywhere. Its ease of use is the number one advantage…