Microsoft Security: Common Security Threats

Microsoft Security: Common Security Threats

Common Security Threats and How Microsoft Security Helps Mitigate Them Advanced modern technologies such as cloud computing and virtualization have completely revolutionized the workforce. Remote working arrangements have now become increasingly commonplace. Along with this advancement is an expanded network footprint characterized by myriads of virtualized workloads. This includes personal devices and computers that represent…

Resolving Complexity: Office 365 Updates That Are Taking User Experience to New Heights

Resolving Complexity: Office 365 Updates That Are Taking User Experience to New Heights

Many people usually turn to Microsoft’s online productivity suite, Office 365 because of the apparent breadth and depth of its features, which allow them to accomplish what they are unable to do with other similar products on the market. However, the business environment is always changing and organizations increasingly put a premium on agility, as…



From the word go, the term communication indicates that there is more than one party involved in the conversation. For there to be effective communication, both parties must understand what the other is saying. Communication in business is somewhat different from casual communication, say among friends. In business, the stakes are higher. Much more is…

The Facts About GDPR Compliance

The Facts About GDPR Compliance

Tune into our complimentary GDPR training online. Watch our GDPR Training Video here. The rise of cybercrime has led to the increasing need for protecting data from these criminals. Countries all over the world are working incessantly towards finding a lasting solution to cybercrime. In this regard, the EU has enacted a new directive, the…

Nest, Google’s Smart Home Division, Discovers Leaked Passwords and Contacts Customers

Nest, Google’s Smart Home Division, Discovers Leaked Passwords and Contacts Customers

Nest Labs, a division of Google, recently discovered a list of email addresses and passwords that had been published online. As part of their ongoing commitment to protect their customers from hackers, Nest continuously monitors databases found online of stolen or leaked passwords. When they found that some of their customers’ passwords were listed on…

The What, The How, and The Why of Managed Threat Detection

The What, The How, and The Why of Managed Threat Detection

Cybercriminals are getting more fearless by the day and their crimes are getting more and more sophisticated. Cybercrimes are costing businesses and organizations billions of dollars each year. This has spawned a new generation of cybercrime fighters who search for ways to end this threat once and for all. With each new attack, the crimes…