How to Connect an iPhone to an Amazon Echo Device and Play Music on Alexa

How to Connect an iPhone to an Amazon Echo Device and Play Music on Alexa

If you are a fan of smart devices, then you may already have an Echo device – Amazon’s line of smart speakers that connect to other devices using Amazon’s voice-controlled personal assistant Alexa. These Alexa-powered speakers from Amazon hit the market first before the likes of Google, Lenovo, and Apple followed suit with their own…

Microsoft Ending Forum Support For Older Operating Systems

Microsoft Ending Forum Support For Older Operating Systems

Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users may be in for a surprise, as Microsoft plans to end forum support for these older systems. Some Microsoft users have reacted very negatively, citing Microsoft’s earlier promise to support Windows 8.1 until 2023 and Windows 7 until 2020. Considering that Windows 7 remains Microsoft’s most widely used operating…

Low-Tech Ways to Protect Your Car From Being Stolen

Low-Tech Ways to Protect Your Car From Being Stolen

Security for your automobile is so important today due to the current rise in car theft. It is necessary to protect your transportation from this threat.  Your car represents a hefty financial investment, not to mention that it provides transportation for your whole family. However, many people take auto security for granted. If you’ve ever…