Can Business Benefit From Microsoft Office 365?

Can Business Benefit From Microsoft Office 365?

In today’s business world, it’s important for companies to stay ahead of the trends when it comes to the latest in tools for productivity. Office suites like Microsoft’s Office 365 have become popular among organizations hoping for more effective performance and communication. With Office 365’s subscription plans, users gain access to the full list of…

The Intelligent New (and Awesome) Data Types Supported by Microsoft Excel

The Intelligent New (and Awesome) Data Types Supported by Microsoft Excel

To date, Excel and similar apps deal primarily with text and numbers as data types. However, that tradition is about to be a thing of the past as Microsoft is adding two new data types to Excel. These data types allow cells to contain rich, intelligent data that can better represent more real-world data types….

Quickbooks: Need A Quick Refresher?

Need a quick refresher or a complete introduction to one of the most popular small business accounting packages? Quickbooks is one of the top accounting solutions available to small businesses around the globe. However, many business professionals only use a small fraction of everything Quickbooks has to offer. During this 30-minute on-demand online training session,…

Which Email Marketing Solution Is The Best? (Online Training)

Considering Working With An Email Marketing Solution To Help Grow Your Business? Email marketing plays a critical role in helping you to reach the right people and expand your client base, share important information with prospects and clients, and promote your services and products. Tune into our complimentary on-demand training and learn what email marketing solution…

IT Helps Dementia Patients

IT Helps Dementia Patients

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are scary for both patients and caregivers. Right now, there is no cure. Scientists are trying to find ways of prolonging patient’s lives and delaying the onset of the disease. IT Technicians are finding ways to make lives better and caring for patients easier. Some remarkable work is doing things for these…

Billions of Computer Devices Won’t Get Intel’s Spectre Fix

Billions of Computer Devices Won’t Get Intel’s Spectre Fix

17 Product Groups Named-Their Production Halted and Update Support Ended After Irrefutable Evidence Uncovered Flaw in Intel Chips. The information about the Spectre attacks came to light back in January 2018. Intel and other technology firms and vendors were made aware of research findings by Paul Kocher from and Jann Horn from Google Project…

Are Local Businesses Ready For GDPR?

Are Local Businesses Ready For GDPR?

As of May 25th, 2018, if local businesses aren’t ensuring the highest possible level of data privacy, they’re risking serious financial consequences. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming into effect. What does this mean? All local businesses MUST be ready to take security more seriously than ever before. The EU Parliament approved GDPR…

FBI Issues Warning

FBI Issues Warning

As you may be aware, the FBI issued a warning last week about a malware botnet called VPNFilter. This malware originated in Russia and attacks “consumer-grade” routers typically purchased from retailers such as Best Buy andor installed in homes by Internet Service Providers such as Spectrum, Time Warner, and Charter. The malware has not been…