Essential List of Cybersecurity Terms to Know in 2019

Essential List of Cybersecurity Terms to Know in 2019

As the digital community continues to expand to include more individuals and more devices, enforcing cybersecurity becomes more complicated. The number of opportunities and vulnerabilities for hackers to leverage is continuously growing; it is imperative for businesses to take proactive measures to protect themselves. With new terms and acronyms constantly emerging to refer to these…

Be Aware: ASUS Update Tool Hijacked By Aggressive Hackers

Be Aware: ASUS Update Tool Hijacked By Aggressive Hackers

Large software and hardware manufacturers are generally a trusted source for updates, but that same level of trust with consumers is what makes these groups a heavy target for hackers. The recent infiltration of ASUS made it all too clear that no one is safe from the threat of malware attacks. The Taiwan-based tech giant recently was…

What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing IT Services For Small Business?

What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing IT Services For Small Business?

There is a point in every small business’s lifecycle when technology becomes integral to the business. With some organizations, this could be the first day they are in existence — with others, it may be several months to a year or more before technical challenges begin to invade business operations. This can come on slowly,…

A Whopping 94% Of Businesses Don’t Leverage The Software They Purchase

A Whopping 94% Of Businesses Don’t Leverage The Software They Purchase

Businesses spend a significant amount on their software solutions, but 94 percent of them don’t get the expected value out of them. Many roadblocks stand in the way of bringing new solutions into the office, from a lack of consideration for the end user to choosing platforms that can’t scale with the company’s growth. Problems…

Canadian Healthcare Organization Breaks Trail In Health IT

Canadian Healthcare Organization Breaks Trail In Health IT

This innovative Canadian health care organization is making waves in the industry when it comes to health IT. At Humber River Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, IT is being integrated into just about everything the organization does, and it is being done with great enthusiasm. This is wonderful news for health care organizations around the country…