The Concern for Email Security Continues to Grow

While email is extremely convenient for collaboration and communication, employees tend to use email folders as a personal storage center. When this happens, mass amounts of the organization’s sensitive information resides in an inbox. Does this sound secure to you? Ponemon Institute’s Study on The State of Email Encryption Ponemon Institute conducted a study to…

Today Is “Zero Day Forever!” Microsoft Has Stopped Publishing Patches for XP

(April 8, 2014) — As of today Microsoft has stopped publishing Windows XP patches.  They’ve named today,  “Zero Day Forever.” Zero-day refers to vulnerabilities hackers use to attack your operating system. Microsoft will continue to provide anti-malware for Windows XP through July 14, 2015. However, as of today: Microsoft will technically stop supporting the Windows…

Warning: Your Emails Must Be Encrypted to Prevent Unauthorized Access

Here’s a little surprise for you: your email isn’t as private as you’d like to think! Sure, we don’t expect the Internet to be very private, but most of us would like to believe our emails are private. But in reality, your unprotected emails can easily be intercepted during transmission to the recipient. When you’re…

Why Outsourcing Your IT Support Is The Best Decision You’re About To Make

If you’re still keeping your IT support in-house, you might want to change your mind after reading why that’s a bad idea. By outsourcing your IT support, you will be choosing first class IT service providers, to keep your data private and protected, and to always have your technology kept up-to-date. More and more companies…

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Planning Is Imperative For Manufacturing Companies

Manufacturing companies create and store extensive amounts of business-critical data, including sales documents, drawings, project documentation, accounting information, employee payrolls, and purchasing orders. It’s critical to ensure this data is backed up and recoverable in the event of a significant data loss. There’s a huge variety of potential ways to lose data, such as database…

Have YOU Taken Extra Precaution When It Comes To Keeping Your Client Financial Information Safe?

With more and more companies refusing to report any breaches, computer crimes just keep rising and rising. People are becoming more and more comfortable to share their information via the Internet with it being the biggest form of information exchange. Do you see a problem? Well, we do! With people relying on emails as their…

Is Your Confidential Business Information At Risk? The Answer Is YES!

If you send emails and you fail to encrypt them, your business is at risk! Have you: Sent proposals and quotes as an attachment in email? Sent login and password information in an email? Sent your banking information or credit card information through email? Discussed confidential projects through email? If you answered YES to these…

6 Tips for Using Technology to Grow Your Small Business and Increase Your Customer Base

Are you taking advantage of social media and innovative technologies? If not, you’re missing a huge opportunity to grow your small business and increase your customer base. Here are 6 tips to help you harness the power of technology: 1.     Use Social Media Websites Social media websites enable consumers to access critical information about your…

Protecting Business Information Concerning You? Email Encryption Is One Of The Best And Easiest Ways.

Email Encryption is Essential to Protect Your Confidential Communications. There’s a few security measures that are commonly thought of as “common sense.” Of course you should download anti-virus software and firewalls! Everybody knows this, right? In all honestly, some people don’t understand the importance of security. While these security measures may appear to be “common…

6 Tips and Tricks to Help You Realize the Full Potential of Google Chrome

Google Chrome has become one of the most popular web browsers available. In fact, Chrome even surpasses Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. So what makes Chrome so popular amongst businesses and consumers? For most individuals, the wide variety of built-in features offers an improved user experience compared to other browsers. While Chrome has a lot to offer,…