BEWARE: A New Version of CryptoLocker Is Disguised As a Fax.  It Could Be Lurking In DropBox or Other Cloud-Storage Platforms.

Another version of CryptoLocker has just been released by the criminals who created the Australian Electric Company Bill version earlier this week. Except, this version has been improved, with a different mode of delivery. It comes in the form of a plain text email that asks you to click a link to view your fax….

Server Virtualization Saves You Money & Improves Your Business Security.  The Proof Is In The Numbers.

If you want to save money and IT resources, there’s no better way than through virtualization.  Studies support this fact. A recent study reports that 70% of businesses rely on virtualization to save them from investing in hardware Another 51% use it to save on software licenses. Virtualization also improves server utilization and application management,…

Important Security Warning: Dramatic Increase In CryptoLocker Activity Observed

Our team of IT security professionals would like to draw your attention to a high rate of malicious email traffic containing Cryptolocker malware that WILL encrypt your organization’s data if executed. The majority of this traffic is coming through trusted free file share programs masked as voicemail messages or faxes. Our IT security experts are…

URGENT — In three weeks Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) Goes Into Effect.  It Will Have an Impact on All Businesses in Canada.  Are You Ready? 

Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) goes into effect July 1, 2014.  It is designed to prevent spamming, but it will also impact the way you do business. You must ensure you obtain consent from your customers or prospects before you send emails, newsletters, text messages, software downloads, or other electronic messages.  If you don’t, your business…

Beware: The New CryptoWall Ransomware Can Enter Your System On Its Own Without Any Actions On Your Part!

A new ransomware strain, CryptoWall, is attacking businesses and organizations worldwide.  It seems that the cyber criminals who developed the CryptoDefense Ransomware in April 2014, released this strain because CryptoDefense was being blocked by endpoint protection software. Now they’re angry!  Beware:  CryptoWall doesn’t require you, or your staff, to open it. It uses a new…

6 Tips and Tricks to Help You Save Valuable Productivity Time While Using Microsoft Excel

While Microsoft Excel is a powerful program, it’s certainly not the easiest application to use. But fortunately, you’ve probably spent a significant amount of time getting to know the majority of features available. And there’s still quite a few beneficial hidden features to learn. Here’s 6 tips and tricks to help you save valuable productivity…

Do You Have A Sound IT Strategy?

Reports in leading newspapers throughout North America state that: Approximately 79% of small businesses don’t.   What does this mean for them—and for you, if you don’t? Decreased market share. Higher operational costs per employee. Shrinking profitability. The inability to effectively compete. Did you know that? Businesses that invest in a Sound IT Strategy, outperform…

Warning: Cybercrime is on the Rise! 8 Cyber Criminal Minds Were Busted In South Florida & Atlanta Over the Past Week

Similar to the hit TV show Criminal Minds, the FBI was hard at work in South Florida and Atlanta over the past week. As a result of their hard work, multiple cybercriminals and personal identity thieves were busted. The Miami Herald reports that the FBI tasks force arrested six cybercriminals, many of who worked at AT&T…

Your Business Website WILL Be a Hacker’s Target at Some Point in the Near Future!

In the past, tech geeks were the only ones with the ability to successfully hack a business website. But those days are long behind us! Nowadays, it’s fairly simple for almost anyone to hack a business website without much difficulty or effort. In fact, a computer hacker can use a search engine to find all…

ALERT! A Fake Heartbleed Removal Tool Is Circulating.  If You Get An Email With This Attachment, Don’t Open It.    

Contact Us Right Away! “Heartbleed” one of the most serious vulnerabilities to ever hit the Internet,caused problems for wireless and wired networks around the world this past April. It exploited every website that existed on the Internet at that time. Symantec, a US-based technology company that makes security software, just uncovered a spam campaign using…

How Do I Ensure My Business Communications Don’t End Up In The Wrong Hands?

Communication is one of the most important key aspects of any properly functioning company or organization. While communicating via telephones and word of mouth are reasonably satisfactory ways of sharing information, organizations today rely on email as a principal method of communicating with staff members, partners and clients. Your email infrastructure plays a vital role…