Russian Hacker Hacks into the CNET Website to Raise Awareness About Internet Security Threats – Users Must Change Their Passwords Immediately!

CNET, a popular tech news and reviews website with millions of users, has recently been hacked by a Russian hacker known as w0rm or twitter username: “@rev_priv8.” On July 12th, the hacker tweeted a photo of a screenshot depicting the contents from the CNET database, then posted a tweet offering security protection assistance. According to…

Four Amazing Offline Capabilities with Google Chromebooks!

After a rocky start, Chromebooks are starting to make a comeback.  The offline capabilities of Chrome OS are impressive, and Chromebooks are now widely available from Dell, Acer, HP, Toshiba, and Samsung at reasonable price points. Chromebooks are able to tackle many needs like sending emails and even watching movies offline. However, these capabilities are…

Spend & Enjoy More Time at Home with a Super Home Entertainment Network!

As you’re probably aware, sitting at home watching TV no longer means flopping on the sofa and watching whatever the big networks have scheduled for that night. In fact, movies, entire television seasons, music, and so much more are available on your computer, mobile device and even on your high definition TV! And as technology…

Looking at Moving Your Email to the Cloud? Not so fast – Here’s everything you need to Know Before You Migrate to the Cloud!

One of the biggest buzzwords in the tech-community these days is the “cloud”.  In fact, companies of all sizes are looking to the cloud for many of their critical business functions. The reason for this quickly rising momentum with the cloud is to help reduce IT costs and complexities. It wasn’t that long ago when…

Warning: Microsoft Support Scam on the Rise! Don’t Become an Unsuspecting Victim!

In early 2010, many individuals fell victim to a common scam, wherein hackers disguised themselves as Microsoft support technicians to trick unsuspecting victims into paying a fee to remove malware from their computers. And in the past few weeks, this fake support scam has reappeared with a vengeance! According to Kristen Kliphouse, Microsoft’s Executive of…

Looking to Create Killer Online Presentations? Consider Picasa To Set You Ahead Of Your Competition!

When creating a slideshow in any program, whether it’s Picasa, PowerPoint, Keynote, or even the online presentation service known as Prezi, it’s crucial to consider the speed at which the photos are shown, especially when embedded in your website or other online service.  These transition effects, and other settings that may help to achieve maximum…

Your Business Can Take Advantage of Powerful Software From Many Sources With Careful Patch Management

As your business grows, you want to be able to utilize the most powerful and innovative software that you can access. There is no end of options for you to choose from out there, and it can be difficulty to keep up with just how these applications can affect your system. After all, the world…

Three Great iPhone Tips & Tricks To Help Any Business Professional.

We consistently advise our clients to particularly treat time as a golden resource that they can control effectively to realize tremendous growth. Even better, technology is making things much easier and now thanks to the growth of the mobile space, devices such as the iPhone are full of exciting features that small business owners can…