Don’t Let Your Battery Life Ruin YOUR Life – Check Out These Amazing Tips For Longer Laptop Battery Life 

Battery life ruining your life? We’ve all been there, and sometimes we simply can’t afford to accept the fate of our dying laptops. Sometimes, we need to milk as much time as we can possibly get with our precious little devices. There are some things you can do to buy more time with your laptop…

Three Lifesaver Tips to Ensure CASL Compliance & Business Success

If you’re using electronic methods to promote/market your organization, products, or services then read this article to ensure you are compliant with the new Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation, or CASL. It’s important to ensure you are following these rules, tips, and restrictions to avoid CASL fines. Consent Your company should get consent for everything. For any…

Why Two-Step Verification is Important Today & 4 Easy Ways of Producing a Strong Password

In the growing age of technology, almost all financial, business, and personal relations are handled online. What risk does this put our generation in? Are we at risk at all? The answer is, yes. We are constantly at risk of identity or data theft. More and more, stories are emerging of hackers gaining access to…

Three Valuable Content Marketing Strategies Beneficial to Your Company Success

Adopting content marketing strategies may just be what your small business needs to remain up to date and in the rankings with the higher corporate markets. But how do you go about content marketing today when consumers are shutting off traditional methods? With the tips below, you’ll have the tools and information you need to…

Recent Study at Kaspersky Lab Shows Shocking Results! – Is Your Business Informed on Virtual Server Security Threats?

Virtual servers are becoming an on-going tool in the business enterprise world. They take the place of traditional servers that run only one operating system at a time. Instead, virtual servers contain multiple separate “software containers.” Each separate container runs its own operating system. These software containers are the virtual server. Each of the isolated…

Russian Hacker Hacks into the CNET Website to Raise Awareness About Internet Security Threats – Users Must Change Their Passwords Immediately!

CNET, a popular tech news and reviews website with millions of users, has recently been hacked by a Russian hacker known as w0rm or twitter username: “@rev_priv8.” On July 12th, the hacker tweeted a photo of a screenshot depicting the contents from the CNET database, then posted a tweet offering security protection assistance. According to…

Four Amazing Offline Capabilities with Google Chromebooks!

After a rocky start, Chromebooks are starting to make a comeback.  The offline capabilities of Chrome OS are impressive, and Chromebooks are now widely available from Dell, Acer, HP, Toshiba, and Samsung at reasonable price points. Chromebooks are able to tackle many needs like sending emails and even watching movies offline. However, these capabilities are…