Have You Applied These Critical Microsoft, Adobe & Oracle Updates to Protect Your Computer Network? Apply Them IMMEDIATELY or Become the Next Victim of Hackers!

Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday updates have been released – a total of nine updates and three of them are rated critical to address various issues in IE and all versions (6 through 11) of Windows. If you haven’t updated your PCs and applied these patches, you’re at risk for becoming victim to serious vulnerabilities that allow…

Data Breaches Resulting from Disgruntled Employees Are on the Rise! What Happens to Sensitive Business Data When an Employee Leaves the Company?

It’s never easy to let go of an employee, but sometimes, it simply has to be done; whether you’ve fired the employee or the employee decided to move on to another company. So what happens to your sensitive business data when an employee leaves the company? Is it necessary to involve an IT support company…

Is Your Data Really Safe in the Cloud? Our Cloud Security Experts Address All of Your Cloud Security Concerns!

The cloud enables you and your staff members to store and access data and applications over the Internet, as opposed to storing and accessing data and applications via your computer’s hard drive. As businesses around the world are using the cloud more than ever before, many business owners are wondering what it’s all about. When…

Important Warning: Shellshock Strikes Yahoo Servers – Potentially Putting 800 Million Users’ Data at Risk!

In the past few weeks, you’ve probably heard some pretty scary news about Shellshock, the vulnerability that impacts “bash” software. According to some security researchers, Shellshock could potentially be more dangerous than Heartbleed, the open/SSL bug that posed a huge threat to businesses a few months ago! So how does the vulnerability work? That’s simple:…

72.4% of Law Offices Have Adopted the Use of Cloud Computing to Better Serve Their Clients!

Has Your Law Office Fallen Behind? {company} Helps You Leverage Cloud-Based Technologies to Improve Your Practice! Do you think your law firm can stay competitive without adopting innovative technologies? If so, think again! In the modern legal industry, law firms simply can’t afford to take the time to write and file information in a folder, then…

Caution: Watch Out for Shellshock, the Latest Vulnerability That’s Spreading Rapidly!

Could Potentially Be More Dangerous Than the Infamous Heartbleed! A major vulnerability, CVE-2014-6271, has been spreading rapidly and impacting a wide range of businesses. CVE-2014-6271, also known as “shellshock,” impacts “bash” software, which is used in most business computers. According to some researchers, shellshock could potentially be more dangerous than heartbleed, the open/SSL bug that…